Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

I want to let all who may read this blog know that The Wife is a fantastic woman. I am exceedingly fortunate to share this life with her. You might read that and think, "What a sweet Valentine!" But, the fact of the matter is, we do not celebrate this holiday. And, I use the word holiday loosely.

In the earliest incarnation, St. Valentine's Day commemorated eleven Christian martyrs, all of whom were named Valentine, and had died for their faith. I think we have swayed a bit from that, yes?

What we presently have is a capitalist mechanism to pry open our wallets. It is quite sad really. Should we not daily go out of our way to show our spouse that we love them? I cannot imagine only having that feeling communicated to me once per year. Or vice versa. If you are reading this, I sincerely hope that is not your fate. But, make no mistake about it, there are people out there who are left in the dark 364 times annually. I can point to one of my co-workers as a prime example.

I love The Wife very much. For a great many reasons. One of which is our common outlook this topic.